Adopting a child is a journey filled with challenges, emotions, and ultimately, joy. Hopscotch Adoptions Inc. has played a pivotal role in this life-changing process for many families bringing a child home from West Africa. Here, we share the touching stories of two families who found their happiness through adoption from Ghana. Their experiences highlight the invaluable support and dedication provided by the staff at Hopscotch Adoptions, making these challenging journeys of bringing an adopted child home a bit easier and a lot more hopeful.

Bringing Hope Home: Sue and Her Journey of Intercountry Adoption

The lives of Sue Skalicky and her family changed forever when they welcomed a 2-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl, brother and sister, from Ghana. The road to bringing these children home was paved by the exceptional guidance and support of Hopscotch Adoptions and the Hopscotch team of program partners in Accra, Ghana. Key to their experience was the whole Hopscotch team, whose enthusiasm and genuine care for Sue’s family shone brightly. Together, with Executive Director, Robin Sizemore, they not only navigated the complexities of the international adoption process but also shared in the family’s emotional moments—celebrating each milestone and overcoming each challenge as if they were part of the family. This deep personal commitment helped Sue and her family through their journey, culminating in the joyous moment when they could finally hold their children in their arms.

A Roller Coaster of Emotions: Kathy’s Path to Motherhood

Kathy and her husband Rob’s journey to adopt their 3-year-old son Emmanuel was no less dramatic. Faced with the typical ups and downs of international adoption, they found unwavering support from Hopscotch Adoptions and Hopscotch’s highly experienced team of program partners in Accra, Ghana. Hopscotch’s Executive Director, Robin Sizemore and the whole Hopscotch team were more than just professionals; they were passionate advocates and compassionate allies. Their dedication to the children and families they work with was evident in every interaction, providing Kathy and Rob with the strength to persevere through the uncertainties.

Adoption Process from Ghana

Adoption Process from GhanaAdoption from Ghana is a structured and well-defined process designed to secure the well-being of the children and to support adopting families. Hopscotch Adoptions Inc., as an adoption agency, provides comprehensive assistance throughout this journey, so that families are well-prepared and supported every step of the way.

Eligibility Requirements

Before beginning the adoption process, prospective adoptive parents must meet certain eligibility criteria. These include age requirements, marital status, and health considerations. It’s crucial for adopting parents to demonstrate their capability to provide a stable, loving environment for the child. Some of the Ghanaian government’s requirements state that married couples may adopt from Ghana. The country does not permit adoption by single parents with the exception of single women of Ghanaian heritage.  Single men may be approved case by case only when adopting a relative child. Parents must be between the ages of 25 and 50 and at least 21 years older than the child/children they wish to adopt.

The Adoption Process

  1. Initial Consultation and Adoption Application: The first step involves an initial consultation with Hopscotch Adoptions to discuss the adoption process and to answer any preliminary questions. Following this, families will complete an application to formally begin the adoption journey. Upon approval of the application, the prospective adoptive parent will contract with Hopscotch for Primary Provider services, as required USCIS,
  2. Home Study: A thorough home study is conducted to assess the suitability of the prospective parents. This includes background checks, home visits, and interviews, and more. The home study report is a critical component of the adoption dossier.
  3. Dossier Preparation and Submission: Families will compile a dossier, also known as a collection of documents required by the Ghanaian Central Adoption Authority. This dossier includes the home study report, financial statements, medical reports, and other necessary documents. Once completed, the dossier is submitted to the Ghanaian Department of Social Welfare.
  4. Matching and Referral:
  5. The Department of Social Welfare reviews the dossier and after approval is granted, the department matches the family with an eligible child for adoption. The family then receives a referral, also known as an Article 16 package, which includes information about the child’s background, medical history, and current health status.
  6. Acceptance and Travel: After accepting the referral, families prepare to travel to West Africa to meet their child. This visit is an important step in the process, allowing the family to bond with the child and begin the legal adoption process in Ghana. Once the match is confirmed, the family will return to the US to await the exchange of Articles between Ghana’s Central Authority and the US Embassy. These Articles, 23 and 5, ensure that both governments agree to proceed with the case and enables the family to advance their case to the court to complete the adoption.
  7. Legal Adoption and Finalization: The legal process involves a court hearing in Ghana, where the adoption is formally approved and legal custody of the child is permanently granted to the adoptive parents. Once the court grants the adoption, the adoptive family can apply for the child’s visa to travel and return to the US as a family.

Post-Adoption Support

Exploring Local vs. National Adoption AgencyHopscotch Adoptions continues to support families even after the adoption is finalized. This includes post-adoption visits, resources for transitioning the adoptive child into their new home, and connecting families with local support networks.

These stories are just two examples of the many families who, with the help of Hopscotch Adoptions, have navigated the complex path of an international adoption from Ghana. Through their adoption experiences, each family reports they have found much joy and completeness in their lives. Each story is unique, but all share common themes of challenge, support, and profound joy. Hopscotch Adoptions continues to be a beacon of hope for many more families looking to bring children from Ghana and other countries into their loving and permanent families.

Adoption with Hopscotch Adoptions

If you are considering adoption or wish to learn more about intercountry adoption from Ghana, visit our Ghana Adoption Program page. Here, you can find further information on the adoption process, adoption services, and read testimonies from families who have made this incredible journey.