Waiting Children

Let’s get started! To access our Waiting Child page, you’ll need to read and sign a Privacy Declaration. By e-signing the Privacy Declaration, you agree to the terms set forth and we’ll issue a unique Username and Password to you which enables you to view our waiting children.

If you have additional questions about our Waiting Child Program please contact us directly.

The majority of children eligible for international adoption have known medical conditions or disabilities, varying widely in the extent of their support needs. Many of these diagnoses can be successfully addressed with quality medical care and interventions here in the US that may not be available to these children in their countries of origin. We encourage all prospective adoptive parents to learn about common medical and developmental conditions in international adoption and to discuss with their social worker and the team at Hopscotch if adopting a child with a known diagnosis and associated support needs is an option. In addition, prospective adoptive parents must be prepared for the possibility that an adoptive child may receive new diagnoses after arriving in the US.

Children are waiting. Let's get started today.