Deciding where to adopt from is a huge step in your life as a soon-to-be parent. You’ve already committed to welcoming in a child to love and care for for the rest of your life— to take the scary step into parenthood and all the obstacles it might bring— and now you’ve made the next crucial decision: where to bring your child home from.

Hopscotch Adoptions is dedicated to guiding you through every step of this significant step. That’s why we’ve gathered together a detailed overview of the Bulgarian adoption process, ensuring you have all the information you need to navigate this path with confidence and clarity.

Why Bulgaria?

Bulgaria as a country is steeped in rich history and culture, offering a unique and structured intercountry adoption program. What’s beautiful is that the Bulgarian adoption process is well-regulated, ensuring the child’s best interests are always prioritized, every step of the way. Hopscotch Adoptions partners with accredited Bulgarian foundations like the Family National Association, Happy Child, Iskra, and Rose of the Heart to facilitate these adoptions, as well.

  • Stable Process: Bulgaria has a well-established, ethical adoption process, ensuring a smooth and transparent experience. The country is committed to finding loving homes for its children, making the journey as supportive as possible for adoptive parents.
  • A Chance to Change a Life: Many children in Bulgaria are waiting for families to give them the love and support they need. By adopting from Bulgaria, you provide a nurturing home to a child who may have special needs or come from challenging backgrounds, giving them the chance to flourish.

Eligibility and Initial Steps

Prospective adoptive parents must meet specific criteria to adopt from Bulgaria. Parents must be at least fifteen years older than the child they wish to adopt, with a maximum age difference of 50 years.

The first step in the adoption process involves contacting us to express your interest. Once you decide to proceed, you will start the step-by-step journey we’ve spelled out for you below!

Step-By-Step Guide— Understanding the Process and Timeline

It might feel overwhelming, but don’t worry. We’ll be with you throughout the entire process, providing support in preparing your dossier, undergoing necessary training, and managing travel arrangements. We will also assist with legal procedures and ensure that you are well-prepared for each step in the journey to bring your child home.

  1. Assessing the Adoption Timeline:
  • If you plan to adopt a younger and healthier child, be prepared for a longer process, which typically takes at least six years from the point of dossier registration with the Ministry of Justice (MOJ).
  • If you are open to adopting older children or children with special needs, the process is generally shorter, around 12-14 months from dossier registration.
  1. Travel Requirements

Overview— Planning Your Trips to Bulgaria:

  • First Trip: You will need to make an initial trip to Bulgaria, lasting approximately seven days. On this trip you will meet your future child under the watchful eyes of a social worker. You will be encouraged to take small outings to begin learning about one another.  You’ll have an attendant throughout your time there.
  • Second Trip: A second trip, lasting about 10-12 days, will be next. This trip takes place after your child’s adoption has been finalized and the required documentation has been prepared for your child’s US visa appointment.
  1. Preparing Your Documentation

  Preparing the Dossier:

  • Guidance from Hopscotch: We will assist you in preparing a notarized and apostilled dossier, ensuring all documents meet the necessary requirements.
  • Hague Training: You will receive the required Hague Convention training from the team at Hopscotch.
  • Child Specific Referral Counseling: We will provide counseling to help you understand information specific to your child and what to expect with your child’s potential needs while preparing for the adoption.
  • Travel Assistance: Our staff and our foundation partner in Bulgaria will provide support and guidance for your each of your trips to Bulgaria.

There are two different paths to adopt a child from Bulgaria. There is the traditional referral process and the waiting child process. Hopscotch will provide information about each and assist you in choosing the path which best meets your family’s criteria.

The Traditional Referral Process—

For those seeking a relatively healthy child, particularly younger ones, the traditional referral process is more common. However, this process requires patience. The wait time for a referral can be approximately six years for children aged 1-5. Older children and those with special needs typically have shorter wait times, ranging from one to three years. A family in this program will wait until Bulgaria’s Central Authority, namely the Ministry of Justice, offers the family a  child’s file for consideration if the child’s characteristics matches the family’s approved home study.

    The Waiting Child Program

Bulgaria’s second adoption program is a waiting child program. The waiting child program focuses on children with special needs, older children, and sibling groups. These children are often available for adoption much sooner than those in the traditional referral process. Hopscotch Adoptions maintains a list of waiting children, and families can review profiles to find a child that matches their capabilities and desires.

Once your dossier is submitted to Bulgaria’s Ministry of Justice, it is reviewed, and you are registered as a waiting family. The Ministry carefully matches and/or approves a specific child to prospective adoptive parents based on the family’s preferences and the child’s needs. This step is sometimes referred to as a “soft match”. If the family identifies a waiting child, the Ministry of Justice will offer an official referral more quickly.

  1. Receiving and Reviewing the Referral

When a match is made, you will receive information about the child which includes the child’s available medical and social history. It’s crucial to consult with an International Adoption Pediatric Specialist to understand the child’s medical needs fully and to determine if your family is the best fit to meet the child’s specific needs. Many Bulgaria children eligible for adoption, have experienced institutional care, which can impact their physical and emotional development. Understanding these challenges is essential for preparing to welcome your adopted child.

  • Referral Notification: You will receive the child’s available information from the Foundation via Hopscotch.
  • Consultation: Review the referral information carefully and consult with an International Adoption Specialist Pediatrician.
  • Acceptance of Referral: If you accept the referral, Hopscotch will send your acceptance request back to Bulgaria. Upon approval, additional information about the child may be provided if available.
  1. First Trip to Bulgaria

As stated before, adoptive parents are required to make two trips to Bulgaria. The first trip, lasting about seven days, involves meeting your referred child and deciding whether to proceed with the adoption. This visit allows you to bond with the child and understand their needs better. If you decide to proceed, the acceptance documents are submitted, and you return home to complete the remaining paperwork for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) approval to proceed with the specific child’s adoption from Bulgaria.

  1. Post-First Trip Procedures

  Returning to the US:

  • Paperwork Assistance: Hopscotch will assist you in the filing of the remaining paperwork with the USCIS.
  • Final Approval: The MOJ and the Bulgarian court will give final approval for your adoption.

 Legal Representation:

  • Attorney Representation: Your interests will be represented by the partner Foundation’s attorney in Bulgaria in absentia.
  1. Second Trip to Bulgaria

  Finalizing the Adoption:

The adoption’s finalization process involves approval from the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice and the local courts. Once approved, you will be invited to return to Bulgaria for the final trip to bring your child home, lasting approximately 10-12 days. During this final trip, you complete the legal adoption process while in Bulgaria and bring your child home.

  • Medical Examination: Appointments will be secured for your child to have a medical examination by a US embassy panel physician in Bulgaria before the visa appointment.
  • Visa Application: Hopscotch’s foundation partner will file the DS-260 form on behalf of the family and this will alert the US Embassy to schedule the visa appointment for your child.  Your child’s Bulgarian passport will receive a an IH-3 or IH-4 visa, based on specific criteria outlined by USCIS.

Post Adoption

The adoption journey doesn’t end once you bring your child home. Bulgaria requires detailed post-adoption reports to be performed by a Social Worker to ensure the child’s well-being. These reports are due at 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and, 36 months post-adoption and must include photos and updates on the child’s development. These reports are submitted to Hopscotch’s clinical team for review and approval prior to being sent to Bulgaria’s Ministry of Justice, as required by law.

Support and Resources— Caring for a Bulgarian Child and Supporting Their Cultural Identity

An important part of our commitment as an agency is helping to prepare our client families to be great adoptive parents. When your child is home and settled, Hopscotch Adoptions provides ongoing post-adoption services, including support groups, counseling, and resources to help families adjust to their new lives. If there are serious needs, Hopscotch will assist the family with locating and accessing local services.

Ensuring a Bulgarian child stays connected to their roots and culture after adoption involves incorporating Bulgarian traditions, language, and heritage into their everyday life. Here are some thoughtful steps you can take to nurture this connection:

Steps to Keep a Bulgarian Child Connected to Their Culture

Celebrate Bulgarian Holidays and Traditions:

    • Participate in Festivals: Engage in traditional Bulgarian celebrations like Martenitsa (March 1st), where people exchange red and white bracelets for health and prosperity, and Baba Marta Day, welcoming the arrival of spring.

Explore Bulgarian Cuisine:

    • Cook Traditional Dishes: Prepare Bulgarian meals at home, like banitsa (cheese pastry), shopska salad, and kavarma (meat and vegetable stew). Involve your child in the cooking process to make it a fun and educational activity.
    • Visit Bulgarian Restaurants: If possible, find Bulgarian restaurants or markets to experience authentic flavors and create a sense of familiarity with their culinary heritage.

Connect with Bulgarian Communities:

    • Join Cultural Groups: Become part of Bulgarian cultural organizations or groups in your community. These groups often host events, festivals, and gatherings where your child can meet others with similar backgrounds.
    • Attend Community Events: Participate in local or regional Bulgarian cultural events, such as dance performances, music festivals, and art exhibitions.

Educational Resources:

    • Books and Stories: Provide your child with books about Bulgarian history, folklore, and legends. Reading these stories together can spark interest and pride in their heritage.

Foster a Sense of Pride and Identity:

    • Positive Discussions: Talk openly and positively about Bulgaria and its culture. Celebrate your child’s heritage and encourage them to take pride in their roots.
    • Cultural Heritage Projects: Encourage your child to create projects or presentations about Bulgarian culture, perhaps for school or family gatherings, to deepen their knowledge and appreciation.

Support Networks:

    • Adoption Groups: Join support groups for families who have adopted from foreign countries such as Bulgaria. These groups can provide valuable advice, share experiences, and offer a sense of community.
    • Cultural Mentors: Connect with Bulgarian individuals or families who can act as cultural mentors for your child, providing insights and personal connections to their heritage.

We’ll Be With You, Every Step Of The Way

Adopting a child from Bulgaria is a life-changing journey. It’s one filled with hope, love, and steadfast, unwavering commitment. With Hopscotch Adoptions by your side, you are supported every step of the way, from the initial inquiry to the post-adoption phase. Our expertise in international adoption, particularly within Eastern Europe, is specifically designed to make sure that the adoption process is smooth, ethical, and focused on the best interests of the child. That way, you can welcome in the newest member of your family as smoothly as possible.

For more information on starting your adoption journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’re excited to help guide you into the next step of your adoption story. Our team of dedicated professionals is ready to help you bring a child into your loving home. With us on your team, the next step is yours to make. Children are waiting. Let’s get started today!