Viviane Martini

Viviane MartiniB.A., Family Coordinator, Advocate and Bulgarian/Serbia Program Manager


Viviane Martini has Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communication and English from Marian University in Indianapolis. She grew up in East Germany, moved to the US after completing high school, and speaks and writes two languages fluently. Viviane entered the world of international adoption in 2009 when she and her husband embarked on their first adoption journey.

Since then, they have added three beautiful children from Eastern Europe to their family and gained extensive experience in parenting children with disabilities.

Viviane also became involved in orphan care and adoption advocacy which eventually led to her role as Family Advocate and Coordinator for Hopscotch’s programs. In this position, Viviane should be your first contact with Hopscotch, fielding questions about adoption in general, waiting children, and country programs. Viviane has also taken on the role of Hopscotch’s Program Manager for Bulgaria and Serbia and assists our families in these programs from inquiry through post-adoption. Once a family speaks with Viviane, they trust her vast personal and professional experience with matters of international adoption and often seek out her support throughout the journey.

Viviane enjoys reading, traveling, spending quality time with her family, and unabashedly admits… sleeping (when possible with three busy children!).

Children are waiting. Let's get started today.