Our team is pleased to announce that after successful meetings with government authorities and child professionals, we have formed a new partnership with the esteemed Association La Creche in Tangier. We are looking forward to many years of collaboration in our joint work on behalf of eligible children who can find permanency only abroad.


Ms. Khadija Boubidi, the chairperson of the Tangier Nursery Association for Abandoned Children, received accompanied by some members of the administrative office, Ms. Robine E Sizemore H, the chairperson for Hopscotch Adoptions Association, Ms. Abigail Szostak, responsible for the documents and Mr. Adel Ismaili, the representative of the association in Morocco.

This visit comes after several consultations for a partnership between the two parties concerning infant and child insurance in accordance with the laws applied in Morocco. The president of the association Ms. Khadija Boubidi Qadzarti was able to visit Washington last year with the company of Ms. Fatima Al-Haddad, who is charged with the bail system, where discussions began on the partnership agreement. Khadija Boubidi named after the administrative office of the association.

Our team’s time in Ghana has come to an end, but they have now arrived in Morocco where they will soon begin meeting with our Foreign Supervised Providers and officials overseeing the Kafala process for Sunni Muslim families.
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Thanks for the shoutout #hopscotch and for delivering our precious cargo of obstetric triage training kits to Ghana! You are doing incredible work finding forever homes for orphaned children! We are proud to be associated with you!

Our Executive Director, Robin Sizemore, was honored to transport and deliver a suitcase of supplies to Kybele in Ghana where the alarming maternal mortality rate is 319 for every 100,000 live births. Kybele is an organization that creates multifaceted international healthcare partnerships to improve childbirth safety. They have worked in Ghana since 2007.

To learn more about Kybele, go here: https://kybeleworldwide.org/

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